
  • 避免使用太多的术语和缩写,以免让客户感到困惑。
  • 注意邮件格式的规范,包括字体、字号、行间距等。
  • 避免出现语法错误和拼写错误,可以使用拼写检查工具检查拼写和语法。
  • 在写作过程中应该尽量简单明了,不要给客户留下冗长、复杂的印象。
总之,写好一封外贸开发信需要结合自身的产品或服务特点,注意客户需求,遵循规范的邮件格式,表达出对客户的关注和重视,这样才能吸引老外并获得更高的回复率。 便利贴的免费图片


1、为什么要写给对方? 2、写什么内容? 3、要达成什么目的? 4、希望对方下一步怎么做?


Hello / Hi XXX {对方的名字} Hello Purchasing Manager {对方的职位} 避免用Dear Sir/ Madam 比较官方且一看就是群发的词汇。
如果有引荐的: {引荐人} suggested I contact you. 如果是展会上获得的联系方式: It was a pleasure to know you at XXX fair in {城市/国家} 或:We met at XXX in {城市/国家} +时间 如果是网上获得的联系方式,则要换一个婉转的方式: Noticed you are in the market for {产品} 或Glad to know you are in XXX industry.
这个问题为开发信里最核心的内容。当你说明清楚彼此共同联结时,也回答了对方心中的疑问。(我认识你吗?你怎么知道我的?我为什么要放下手头工作看你的邮件?有什么动力回复你?) 任何一个行业,从上游到下游,因为分工协作关系的内容、生产线的不一样,价值点也各不同。产品/服务优势,建议以公司内部强调或个人所观察总结到的为准。
提及行动号召 – call to action
1、询问客户是否需要产品目录挑选? 2、询问客户是否有时间电话沟通? 3、询问客户是否需要你这边提供样板? 4、希望对方收到邮件后有需求联系你? 5、还是希望对方给你机会,进一步给他更多的介绍? 如果没有明确的行动召唤,客户看完邮件也不会觉得有回复的必要。


Subject: Introduction of Our New Product Line Hi!  [Recipient's Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce our latest product line that I believe will be of interest to you and your business. Our new product line consists of [insert product names] which are designed to meet the needs of [target customers]. These products have been developed using the latest technology and are of the highest quality. We are confident that they will be a great addition to your product portfolio. To help you get started, we have attached a detailed product catalog and pricing information. If you have any questions or would like to place an order, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be more than happy to provide you with additional information or samples. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you. Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Company]
Subject: Follow-up on Our Previous Discussion Hi!  [Recipient's Name], I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our previous discussion regarding [insert product or service]. I believe that we can provide you with a solution that will meet your needs and help your business grow. Our product/service is [insert product/service description], which has been designed to address [customer pain points]. Our team has worked hard to ensure that it is of the highest quality and is backed by exceptional customer service. We would be happy to provide you with a demo of our product/service or answer any questions you may have. Please let us know if this is something you would be interested in. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing back from you. Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Company]